We have developed a process of immersion in the world of Boards of Directors and Corporate Governance, so that we understand the needs and complexity that companies face to form, complete or grow this level within their structures.
Drawing upon our experience and certifications in Corporate Governance, we seek and successfully identify the best profiles to integrate independent board members and C-suite executives.
Stakeholders (Owner)
The Board
What determines the value of a Board is the quality of its advisors, as the capability and determination to assume the responsibilities inherent to their position.
The CEO is responsible for manging and overseeing the operations and obligations of the entire organization. Together with the executive team, they address each area of the company to determine the necessary indicators and controls to fulfill strategy approved by the Board.
We work with private, public and non-profit organiztions to design the ideal profile and experience for their Board Members and their C-suite, and thus; present the best candidates within our network and external search.
We focus our evaluation of the candidates on the best Corporate Governance practices in the world, we investigate the level of seniority and previous results in: