by Israel Garza | October 17, 2023 |

Tackling Challenges in Recruitment: The Crucial Role of the Hiring Manager

Tackling Challenges in Recruitment: The Crucial Role of the Hiring Manager

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

In the recruitment and selection process, the hiring manager is the key to a successful hire and is also one of the biggest challenges for headhunters. The hiring manager understands the company's strategy, the goals of their department, the problems to be solved, and the objectives of the position, making them crucial for achieving the desired results.

Now, let's discuss the three main challenges we see in this regard:

The first challenge is determining the functions and competencies (both hard and soft) required. If a hiring manager is not involved in the development of this profile, the recruitment process may end in failure. The hiring manager must recognize the essential need for balance among functions, job title, and salary. This balance should primarily focus on the market; designing a position incorrectly leads to a recruitment process with many obstacles. This can make the task of talent acquisition difficult, as the recruiter must find a candidate who meets all expectations 100%.

The second challenge is a lack of cooperation. In some cases, managers may be unwilling to assist in the selection process, resulting in a lack of communication and insufficient understanding of job requirements. In other cases, the hiring manager or even the company's strategy may change job requirements, making it difficult for the recruiter to find the right candidate.

The third challenge is that the hiring manager often lacks the skills to conduct competency-based interviews. Knowing what to ask to determine if the candidate is ideal is crucial. Merely listening to the candidate's work history for 10 or 30 minutes is not sufficient. The interviewer must ask key questions to understand the candidate's accumulated experience and real competencies. We recommend focusing interviews on requesting real examples, events where the candidate can be observed "in action," asking what they did, where, when, why, how, and what the results were.

It is important for the hiring manager to interview as soon as possible and provide feedback quickly and formally. This helps determine if adjustments to salary and benefits are needed, schedule interviews with other interviewers, set entry dates, or address any other issues affecting the process. This should be done promptly, as reaction time is crucial in candidates' perception of the company.

Recruiters should also provide information on the labor market, current hiring trends, monthly salary information, and sector benefits. This can help managers better understand job requirements and reduce unrealistic expectations.

In conclusion, the greatest challenge for talent acquisition may be the hiring manager, due to high expectations, lack of cooperation, or constant changes in job requirements. To overcome these challenges, the headhunter must work closely with the hiring manager, understanding their needs and expectations, maintaining open and regular communication throughout the selection process, and collaboratively hiring the right candidate for the required position.